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清华大学国际合作项目导师:Dr. David Chapman
2011-09-23 14:21  清华干训网 点击: 载入中…


Dr. David Chapman

  As Deputy Head of Department and Deputy Director of UCL Advances, Dave's responsibilities include the development of teaching and research programmes that link UCL's scientists and engineers to the cutting-edge business practices being developed at London Business School. Dave is the Course Director for UCL's MSc in Technology Entrepreneurship. Dave has worked as Business Development Manager in UCL's Technology Transfer Office, a Senior Lecturer in UCL’s department of Geomatic Engineering and was the founder and coordinator of the University of London MSc programme in Geographic Information Science. He has first hand experience of the commercialisation of University innovation as a founder and director of an oil-services company set up to exploit his previous GIS-related research activities.

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